Monday, October 27, 2008

The great rental search!

Well we rushed out in the morning to get the local paper - all the jobs and rentals were to be in. Reading through the adverts for rentals we soon came to the conclusion that we had absolutely no idea where anywhere was and that most inspections were only available for about 15 mins at a time plus most said no pets - this was going to be a problem as our dog was currently in quarantine and would be joining us in just under a month!

Getting the map out we planned our route through suburbs that we had heard of and opening times that would mean we see as many properties as possible.

We were not prepared for the condition of the houses and gardens - if the house was clean the garden was a jungle with huge holes in the fence or the garden would be lovely but you couldn't fit a single bed into the bedroom - these were best case scenarios - there were a lot that you wouldn't wish on your worst enemy.

However after seeing one bad one after another we settled on one that was close to the CBD - it had a reasonably sized garden and the rooms were a good size - needed cleaning but the current tenents were to have the place cleaned and presentable before we moved in. The dog was not going to be a problem.

We felt settled and started the hunt for furniture to see us through until our own furniture arrived.

Moving in day arrived! Horror of horrors when we went to get the keys the previous tenants were still there with quite a few of their belongings strewn throughout the house. We were informed that they had washed the carpets but they were still filthy - don't know which carpets they had cleaned - perhaps it had been at their parents house!!! The sun room windows nolonger had furniture in front of them and they also had no putty holding the glass in!! With a 2.5yr old in tow this was just too much to bear and told the owner we would not be taking up occupancy.

Our panic had begun!

However our panic was soon over thanks to forum we were part of - we were offered an unfurnished house in one of the more southern suburbs - about an hour from Adelaide.

We took about a month to secure the rental we are currently in and when our own furniture arrived we felt much more settled.

Life became for living not for hunting for rentals, cars and furniture!

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